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Teaching, mentorship and outreach



My graduate school teaching experience strengthened my instructional skills and broadened my geoscience education. I was lucky to serve as a teaching assistant for a wide variety of classes, including:

CORE 103: The History of Global Warming (Honors course taught for the first time - I created all of the discussion section activities)

GEOL 150: Climate Change

ENST 150: Environmental Issues in Society

GEOL 241: Energy Systems

GEOL 465: Tropical Hydrology, Ecology and Biogeochemistry in the Andes Mountains and Amazon Rainforest of Peru (Field course - I served as the teaching assistant and coordinated logistics for the trip, including travel, lodging and meals)
GEOL 470: Hydrogeology (upper division class for Earth Science majors)


I have also given a guest lecture on ecotourism and sustainability in Peru for a Master's level business class. 


If you'd like me to guest lecture for your class, please get in touch!


 I became passionate about geochemistry through an undergraduate research experience and feel lucky to have received quality mentorship throughout my academic career. As a result, I try to involve undergraduate researchers in my work whenever possible. Former mentees include:
Jesse Fang (Fall 2019 – Spring 2020); independent research project on weathering in California watersheds across different climate regimes
Yanet Ibarra (Spring 2018) 
Francis Mel de Fontenay (2017)
Jazmine Muñoz (2016); High school student mentored through YRP – see below for details



I served as a mentor, summer coordinator and eventually as the program director for the USC Young Researchers Program (YRP) from 2016-2020. 


The YRP pairs Los Angeles area high school students with PhD students at USC to conduct a research project for 6 weeks over the summer. The mission of the program is to provide research experience and college preparedness workshops for underrepresented minority students. If you are interested in hearing about my experience working with the YRP or want to start a similar program at your university, I'd be happy to chat. 


For more information on YRP, check out their website

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